Wednesday, November 28, 2012


 I never had professional photos of Xavi taken...always meant to but never got around to it.  I found Sheri Wade and she took some before Mario left.  Nico was just 2.5 weeks old. It wasn't easy to organize the shots (meaning it was almost impossible to get Xavi to do what we wanted him to do (SMILE) when we wanted him to do it ) and she took a lot...I've posted some of the best and then some others.  First, Christmas card contenders:

 We took some at home and some at Poche's beach.  There is a 9-11 memorial that was set up informally at first but over time has become more official.  We thought it fitting considering what we were about to embark on as a family and considering how thankful we are to have been born in the greatest country on earth.  With two boys now, it feels like we are now without a doubt a FAMILY.  I'm grateful every day to be an American with the opportunities and freedoms that its citizens enjoy (whether we like the elected officials or not...and I currently do NOT, but that is beside the point of this blog) AND that my boys will know these freedoms and opportunities as well.  At least that is what I hope and pray.
And now for the rest of the story...
Nico peed on me in this shot...

Profiles in mischief making

Just getting big ordeal, right?
 None of the following pose made the cut:
Kids not looking and Nico is doing Popeye face

Still doing Popeye, Mario trying to help

And we are just about done on the stairs...
Yep.  Done.

He couldn't give one of his million dollar grins here?  Nope.  Beautiful boy though, huh?
Can you guess what he is asking for here?
This would be adorable but...not going on the Christmas card.
This one won't be either...but you can definitely see where Xavi gets his big mouth.  

No smile, hands in mouth, desperately waving to mom...sigh, we got the shot anyway.  See above..Papa and his boys!
This would have been a great shot without little monkey hands in the background.  Still precious.
Absolutely nothing wrong here...beautiful man with beautiful baby.  


  1. Sooo much fun!!! Love the pics! Your family is beautiful!!!

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