Monday, June 4, 2012

Overflowing cup (s)

Today we had a day without any major meltdowns, or major events.  We just ran some errands...played in the park...took a nice nap...yelled at Diego...looked at the mourning dove nesting in the palm tree next to our driveway (new word? beak...I taught him yesterday but all of a sudden today, he started saying "beak, beak" in the back of the car, little sponge)...chatted with neighbors...watched the diggers...and kept a look out for trucks wherever we went.  And I love it.  With each hug, I couldn't help but know that my cup runs over...actually all our cups!  Here' s  a quick peek:
It was 8am.  Naked and in the sprinkler.  My water boy

Every now and then, Xavi gives me the best smiles and it's hard to get it on film.  So I caught this one while in the tub...had to take 10 to get this shot.  

I think he looks a lot like Mario in this shot.  Handsome boy!

It is washable...catching him to wash it off is another story.

million dollar smile

"O-pu"...means open please!  Can you see the stash of markers in Sasha's bed?  I never know where I am going to find a bunch...

He loved playing with this monster truck...GRAVE DIGGER! (you have to growl when you say this)
Our neighbors down the street had two older boys that had a garage full of toys and they were very generous in letting Xavi come play (or watch) anytime.  But they have since moved away, SAD!  I can't find this model if you happen to see one?  Please get it...i'll pay for the postage!

Xavi falls and bangs himself a lot.  He's pretty tough and gets over "owies" pretty quickly.  Sometimes he comes to me for a kiss to make it all better...sometimes he wants me to kiss the finger or toe or head...sometimes he just kisses me on the lips thinking I need a kiss.  Melts my heart.  
Overflowing indeed.  

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